TrashTalk – Episode 1: DIY Organizer Kit

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Introducing TrashTalk!

Did you know that we Canadians produce more garbage per capita than any other country on earth?! We generate approximately 25 million tonnes of waste per year, according to the 2016 figures from Statistics Canada. That amount of waste is responsible for generating 729 megatonnes of carbon dioxide and other deadly greenhouse gases affecting our environment. 

With all of these figures in mind, we thought it would be great to partner with various eco-lifestyle leaders to share with you ideas for DIY projects that use recyclable materials at home. This, we hope, will help reduce the waste in our country as well as inspire you to reuse the materials you enjoy at home.

Our first eco-lifestyle leader is the lovely Tiffany Pratt. Over the next few weeks, she’ll share four of her favourite ideas with you. For every idea presented, you will also have the opportunity to download a special guide that you can print to follow along at your own pace!

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Episode 1: DIY Organizer Kit

Get ready to organize your stuff as host Tiffany Pratt teaches you how to create a DIY Organizer Kit. By using just a few common household items, Tiffany will show you how to craft your very own organizational masterpiece. 

Watch the video below or follow the transcript, then download the guide!

DIY Organizer Kit

Download this guide to follow along on your own time. Enjoy!

Video Transcript

This is trash talk with Tiffany Pratt. And trash talk is inspired by, which is created by my friends at RBC Ventures. And today I’m going to show you how to make an organizing kit. I’m a designer that loves using what we already have. So I’m going to use paper plates, wallpaper samples, a shoe box, and some toilet paper rolls to make this amazing little organizational item that will help you get all the things together in your junk drawer. So roll up your sleeves and let’s get started

When I’m looking around the house for something to create with, I’m looking at the shape of something, not where it comes from. So just because it’s an old shoe box, or just because these are toilet paper rolls, don’t think about what they once were. Think about what they can become. When you go on, and when I’m looking at the app, I like to search. There’s this which bin feature. And the which bin Ben tells me where things belong, but I like to use things. Instead of recycling them or tossing them out, what can we use? When picking a color to paint your toilet paper rolls, don’t lose your mind. Don’t spend too much time because you’re not going to see too much of that color. Use paper towel rolls, use toilet paper rolls. Use anything of this shape. You can even create rolls out of thick paper. So I’ve just found some shirt chartreuse regular paint, and I’m just going to paint the inside and the outside of the top half of the role. I’m all about speed and efficiency.

So I’ve painted the top half and the inside of the roll. And I kind of love glitter. If you know me, you know I love glitter. So I’m going to trim the top half, so you can see that the top half of the role is completely covered in glitter. And then just let it dry. Now, you can do as many rules as you want to do, based on how many cords or small objects, pens, et cetera, that you want to organize inside of the shoe box. So for me, I like to cover at least both sides of the box with rolls and then leave the center channel for larger objects like bottles or sponges.

So if you have a lid of your shoe box … and I’ve got so many fun papers, stuff that I’ve collected, things that I’ve found. So using any one of these samples, what I’m going to do is just line up the bottom of the paper to the bottom of the box and fold it over. I’m going to place on the front and the back of the box, and that’s going to hold the paper in place. And each time I add a paper, I’m just going to overlap it every single time so that there’s no space in between. But again, it doesn’t have to be perfect. I’m just putting my last few pieces of paper at the bottom so that you see something pretty when you look down.

So now the whole box is covered in pretty papers, and I’m going to take channels of toilet paper rolls, and I’m going to glue them down. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to put piles of glue at the bottom of the box, and I’m just going to set these toilet paper rolls inside, color side, glitter side, facing up. And as mentioned, I’m going to do channels on both sides, so I leave my center section available and open for larger items. Okay, we’re almost done. And then we get to the fun part, which is finding ways to make your box dazzle.

I have these cute little paper plates that I found at the dollar store and they’re shaped like shells. You can have other paper plates, you could cut plates and other sizes, you could cut shapes out of colored paper. The sky is the limit. Add a little bit of glue to the back and glue it up on the side of the box. So I kind of want the bottom of my shell to line up with the bottom of the box. Now, you can put it on one side and leave the other sides flat, depending on where you’re storing the kit. But in my case, I have mine on the shelf, so I’m putting one on all sides.

It also is covering up the seam between the paper so it looks nice and dressy and cute. Now you literally can take this organizational kit to whatever design limit you want it to go. I don’t know when to stop. I like to put things on things on things. I also like to use things that are hard to dispose of. So one thing I found in my studio was a bunch of straws. So if I want the corners of my box to remain strong as I’m storing it, I’m going to glue a couple channels of paper or plastic straws so that it stays strong and it also looks really pretty. I’m just going to put a little bit of glue down the side of the box, and I’m just going to set the straw along the edge. And once you get going, you can add as little or as many straws as you like.

You’re making something beautiful, you’re having fun, and you’re organizing. You may also not want the straws to be this height. And that’s the cool thing about plastic straws, they can be cut to any height, so you can just cut those off so that they line up with the tops of the plates. Tah tah tah tah.

So this is how you make an organizational kit, Tiffany Pratt style. With a little of paint and glitter, anything can be magical. I love things like this because I’m all about organization. And I also love things like reminders and calendars. So if you check out, you’re going to see all of the amazing reminders they provide for you, when to put out your garbage, your recycling. Check it out, check out how to make one of these in your home. Thank you,, powered by my friends at RBC Ventures. We’ll see a next time for another Trash Talk with Tiffany Pratt. Boom.

Okay guys, Trash Talk, in close, zoom it in. These are some hot tips with trash talk. I’m getting on and I’m finding out things, and I find out that you cannot recycle metal or plastic hangers because they mess up the recycling process. So I say keep your hangers. Don’t put them in the garbage. And make them beautiful. Use what you got. Grab some scrap fabric and some ribbon, and let’s keep those hangers. This is a bright idea by the old Tiffany Pratt here with Trash Talk.

About Tiffany Pratt

Tiffany Pratt is a designer, artist, creative director, author, speaker, television personality, podcaster and maker. She is a Technicolour force, and her multifaceted design philosophy transforms people, objects and spaces. You might recognize her from HGTV’s Buy It, Fix It, Sell It and Home to Win.

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While the information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBC Ventures Inc. or its affiliates.

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