New Year’s Resolutions: Home Edition

Every year we get caught up in the idea of starting anew as soon as the date and time flips to 00:01/01/01. It’s not surprising, fresh starts give us a figurative opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. Even though between 11:59 and 00:01, almost nothing happens.

Most of us are focused on improving our personal health, well-being, and maybe even finally snagging that promotion. What about the world around us? Our homes are our castles, but unlike us, they can’t make their own resolutions to improve — we need to do it for them.

Your home is one of your biggest assets, and it’s worth it. While you’re sipping from your celebratory champagne flute as the new year rolls in, here are a few things you might want to think about:

1. Recycle more and do it better!

It’s not always easy to recycle and there are a few surprising things you can’t. It’s a small, relatively easy step you can take to reducing landfills and making the world a slightly greener place.

Many items from plastics to electronics end up in the landfills, contaminating our air, ground, and water supply. So figuring out which bin your items should go into is paramount to improving your at-home recycling program.

Going beyond that, getting a real handle on your blue, green, and black bins helps ensure that whatever waste you have gets to the correct place. The free GarbageDay app is a great tool to set you on the right track. You will be reminded of your collection days, have access to the Which Bin feature that’s built in, and you can get waste disposal tips delivered right to your phone!

2. Start decluttering

Chances are there are a few things in your house you don’t need or want anymore. The new year presents the opportune time to get rid of them. Take some time in the new year to:

  • Go through your clothes and take out what you don’t want
  • Clean out your refrigerator and pantry
  • Go through your garage or basement storage room

If things are in good condition (or still packaged, in the case of food) consider donating them to food banks or other organizations that can put them to good use. Alternatively, you can make a few bucks by selling these on your own using an online platform. 

Decluttering can go beyond getting rid of things you don’t want though. There might be things in your home that you’d love to use but can’t because they’re broken. Seeking out items that need mending or repair can help you declutter because they’re no longer sitting on the shelf taking up space. Once those things are fixed, you can decide whether or not you want to keep them around!

3. Plan your seasonal home maintenance

A well-maintained home not only creates an aesthetically pleasing environment, but also a safe one for you and your family to live in. Not maintaining your home properly could even mean spending more money down the line. This is especially true when you go to file an insurance claim.

Everything from your seasonal yard work and gutters to your dryer vent need to be properly maintained to ensure your home is safe, comfortable, and doesn’t cost you more money than it needs to. You can get seasonal reminders and other maintenance tips directly through the GarbageDay app. They are delivered right on your phone so you can always stay on top of what’s next.

4. Understand and improve your home value

Your home is probably your largest asset, so it makes sense to know what it’s worth. But knowing its value is only half the equation. The real magic is in figuring out how to improve upon it.

While much of your home value is determined by market factors, there are ways you can improve upon it. Making physical changes to your home such as renovations or additions, redoing the bathrooms and the kitchens, adding an extra level or even installing an in-ground pool, can help to increase your home’s value and, by default, your equity.

This equity can then be leveraged if you need to access additional funds. Using the equity in your home can be much cheaper than using your credit card or accessing a traditional loan.

If you’re curious about your home equity, your best bet is to speak with a professional like a mortgage specialist. They will know your entire financial situation and can recommend the right next steps to meet your financial goals.

What will you do in 2022?

There are plenty of things to put on your 2022 to-do list. Reducing waste, decluttering and  maintaining your home should be on there. Improving the space around you could make all the difference in the new year.

GarbageDay is with you throughout the year to help you with your goals by providing reminders, tips and tools for your home.

Download the GarbageDay app today!​

There’s more to caring for your home than taking out the trash. We give you seasonal reminders about things like when to change your air filter, check and seal your driveway, turn off your hoses, and anything else that needs adjusting through the seasons. We even give you step-by-step instructions on how to get these things done.

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While the information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBC Ventures Inc. or its affiliates.

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