Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Fall is upon us, and while it’s nice to enjoy the beautiful changing colors it’s an important time of year for home maintenance. Slow and steady maintenance throughout the season will help make sure you’re ready for the cold winter weather to set in. Long-term, this can help you prevent damage and energy inefficiencies, helping you keep on budget and maintain a green home.

Fall home maintenance checklist

There are plenty of items you’ll want to check off your home maintenance list this fall, but these nine shouldn’t take you more than an hour each. Plus, if you get them all done, you’ll be well on your way to being ready for the cool season:

1. Stock up on winter supplies

It’s cold in Canada, and the arrival of winter means it’s time to pull out that shovel and scraper. Make sure you check before the snow falls otherwise you might be paying premium prices for replacements.

2. Clean the dryer vents

Lint build-up on your dry is a fire hazard, which is reason enough to take care of it. But it also makes your dryer work harder and thus less efficient. Cleaning it doesn’t need to take more than an hour, and you can rest easier when it’s done.

3. Check the furnace

You’re going to need your furnace during the harsh Canadian winter, so get on top of it by servicing it before it needs to be done. Regular maintenance can help cut back on future surprise costs and keep you warm all season long.

4. Clean gutters and downspouts

Gutters and downspouts that are full of leaves and debris can cause water to back up into your roof and eaves, which can eventually lead to serious damage. As the fall leaves start falling, you want to make sure that you’re cleaning them out regularly to prevent issues.

5. Prep the yard for winter

Your yard will probably need some TLC after a long summer. Before the cold settles in, you want to fertilize and aerate the lawn to help ensure it grows stronger next year. You’ll also want to cut back any perennials and rank up leaves to keep your yard healthy and clean all winter.

6. Service snow removal equipment

You’re bound to realize your snow blower needs to be serviced the first time you go to use it. Save yourself the trouble this year and have it maintained before the first snowfall. This way, when you need it, it’ll be ready!

7. Check exterior doors and windows

If your doors and windows are letting in a draft, the cold air is bound to raise your heating bill. Before the cold weather kicks in, inspect them for any damage and make repairs or replacements as needed. Weatherstripping or caulking can help seal them up.

8. Drain and store garden hoses

Frozen water can be damaging, so you’ll want to make sure your hoses are drained and stored properly before the air and ground starts to freeze. If you have underground sprinklers, you’ll also want to make sure they’re properly winterized to avoid issues in the future.

9. Check the roof and chimney

The elements put a lot of stress on your roof, regardless of the season. You want to make sure you inspect it regularly for damage. Likewise, your chimney needs to be cleaned before you use it in the winter cold, otherwise you’re at risk of starting a fire!

Ready for winter?

Winter can be a tricky season in Canada due to the drastic temperature changes and unpredictable weather. But if you follow this fall home maintenance checklist, you can rest assured that your home will be ready for whatever winter throws your way.

Stay safe and warm!

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There’s more to caring for your home than taking out the trash. We give you seasonal reminders about things like when to change your air filter, check and seal your driveway, turn off your hoses, and anything else that needs adjusting through the seasons. We even give you step-by-step instructions on how to get these things done.

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While the information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBC Ventures Inc. or its affiliates.

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